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Religious Studies: Statistics

Suggested resources for the study of religion at Tyndale University College & Seminary

Introduction to Statistics

Why use statistics?

Statistics can help scholars and researchers to describe and identify:

  • trends and/or aspects of groups of people (i.e. Christian denominations; age-groups; etc.)
  • relationships between different groups of people and/or their environment
  • cause and effect relationships among population groups

    Canadian Statistics on Religion

    Canada Year Book - Ethnocultural Diversity Guide

    Topical guide to census tables and reports from Statistics Canada's historical Canada Year Book collection

    Religions in Canada, Highlight Tables, 2001 Census

    Data are available for various levels of geography and include percentage change (1991-2001) and median age, along with religion by immigrant status and period of immigration. Updated every 10 years.

    Statistics Canada. "Religion: Guide to the latest information."

    Find the latest information on religion from Statistics Canada, including publications and articles, and data tables.

    Statistics Canada: Religion

    Statistics Canada's guide to summary tables, publications and daily news on religion in Canada

    Who's Religious in Canada?

    A report from the Summer 2006 Edition of Canadian Social Trends

    LifeWay Research LifeWay is an evangelical publisher that conducts surveys on topics related to religion in Canada, North America and the  World

    International Statistics on Religion is a growing collection of over 43,870 adherent statistics and religious geography citations.

    Association of Religion Data Archives

    The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) strives to democratize access to the best data on religion. This site contains statistics on American and International religious communities.

    Barna Group

    The Barna Group offers a range of research resources on American religious life that serves churches, non-profits, businesses and community leaders.

    Guide to International Statistical Organizations

    Statistics Canada's guide to international statistical organizations (i.e. United Nations, etc.)

    Guide to National Statistics Offices

    Statistics Canada's guide to national statistics offices from around the world.