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Theology: Getting Started

This guide is a gateway to Theology resources in the J. William Horsey Library at Tyndale, including electronic and Chinese language resources. / 含中文資料

What are reference sources?

Reference sources are online or print encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases or any other source that is designed to provide a concise yet authoritative overview of a topic of research.

Reference sources are excellent sources to use when you are starting your research, because they provide:

  • general background information
  • brief and factual overviews
  • explanations of terminology and definitions of terms
  • a list of authors who are experts in the field
  • bibliographies of sources for further reading

Reference Resources on Theologians

Below are included selected print books from the Reference Collection. Search for more book titles by searching under "Theologians" or the name of your specific theologian in WorldCat.

Cambridge Companions in Theology

Print Reference Materials

The J. William Horsey Library at Tyndale University College & Seminary has an extensive collection of print reference materials that deal with theology.

You can browse the titles of theology encyclopedias, dictionaries and more through WorldCat. Click HERE for a list of reference books about theology in the J. William Horsey Library. They are not online, you can actually hold them in your hand! If they are in the Reference collection the books cannot be borrowed so you should always be able to find them in the library.

Online Reference Books for Theology

Find information on concepts in theology, biographical sketches of theologians and more! Some resources are free to everyone, others require you to use your Tyndale login.

For those looking for a good introduction to help you through the research process this ebook will help:

Kibbe, Michael. From Topic to Thesis : A Guide to Theological Research. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2016. (ebook)

The selected ebooks below are all found in WorldCat. You may search WorldCat ot find even more.