Why use statistics in Christian Education?
Statistics can help Christian Educators to describe and identify:
Canada Year Book - Ethnocultural Diversity Guide
Topical guide to census tables and reports from Statistics Canada's historical Canada Year Book collection
Census Tract Profiles: 2006 Census
"Census tracts are small, relatively stable geographic areas that usually have a population of 2,500 to 8,000." Use these census tracts to build a demographic profile of your school community.
Ethnocultural and religious diversity Highlight Tables: 2021 Census
These tables provide 2021 Census highlights on ethnic or cultural origin, visible minorities and religious diversity.
Religion Reference Guide - Census 2021
Find the latest information on religion from Statistics Canada, including publications and articles, and data tables.
A report from the Summer 2006 Edition of Canadian Social Trends
Adherents.com is a growing collection of over 43,870 adherent statistics and religious geography citations.
Association of Religion Data Archives
The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) strives to democratize access to the best data on religion. This site contains statistics on American and International religious communities.
The Barna Group offers a range of research resources on American religious life that serves churches, non-profits, businesses and community leaders.
Guide to International Statistical Organizations
Statistics Canada's guide to international statistical organizations (i.e. United Nations, etc.)
Guide to National Statistics Offices
Statistics Canada's guide to national statistics offices from around the world.