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Theology: 中文參考書籍及期刊
This guide is a gateway to Theology resources in the J. William Horsey Library at Tyndale, including electronic and Chinese language resources. / 含中文資料
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神學字典及辭典 Theological Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
基督教聖經與神學詞典 - 盧龍光主編
Ref BS 440 .J54 2003
天道大眾聖經百科全書 (Lion encyclopedia of the Bible)
Ref BS 440 .L5612 1989
最新實用神學名詞辭典 - 趙中輝
Ref BR 95 .Z326 1983
當代神學辭典 (New dictionary of theology) - 中文版主編楊牧谷
Ref BT 17 .N3812 1997 v.1-v.2
神學釋經詞典 = Dictionary for theological interpretation of the Bible
Ref BS 440 .D49512 2014
聖經百科全書 (合訂本) (A Chinese bible encyclopedia) - 俄珥編
Ref BS 440 .I5512 1992
英漢神學名詞辭典 - 趙中輝編著
Ref BT 17 .Y5 1998
證主聖經百科全書 (Baker encyclopedia of the Bible)
Ref BS 440 .B2612 1995 v.1-v.4
中文神學期刊 (Journals on theology)
道風 = Dai feng = Logos & pneuma
漢語基督教學術論評 = Han yu Jidu jiao xue shu lun ping = Sino-Christian studies
建道學刊 = Jian dao xue kan = Jian dao
山道期刊 = Shan dao qi kan = Hillroad
神學論集 = Shen xue lun ji = Collectanea Theologica
神學與敎會 = Shen xue yu jiao hui = Theology and the church
神學與生活 = Shen xue yu sheng huo = Theology & life
台灣神學論刊 = Taiwan shen xue lun kan = Taiwan journal of theology
維真學刊 = Wei Zhen xue kan = Regent Chinese journal
中國神學研究院期刊 = CGST journal
基督教神學 Books on Christian theology at Tyndale
基督教神學 Christian theology
舊約神學 Old Testament theology
新約神學 New Testament theology
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