The school librarian helped you find introductory material on the topic and you're now ready to build your lesson. As you're leaving the library you see your associate teacher in the hall. She would like to get the class using the library databases. She gives you a list resources to teach your unit on Heritage & Identity.
(20 minutes)
The following is a list of the topics covered for the Heritage & Identity strand (Grades 1-6) of the 2013 Ontario Social Studies Curriculum.
Grade 1: Our Changing Roles & Responsibilities (p. 64, 66)
Grade 2: Changing Family & Community Traditions (p. 74, 76)
Grade 3: Communities in Canada, 1780-1850 (p. 84, 86)
Grade 4: Early Societies, 3000 BCE to 1500 CE (p. 96, 98)
Grade 5: First Nations & Europeans in New France & Early Canada (p. 106, 108)
Grade 6: Communities in Canada, Past & Present (p. 118, 120)
See the 2013 Ontario Social Studies Curriculum for more information.
Discuss the following: