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Indigenous Perspectives on Education (K-10): Home

This guide will help teachers locate materials and information about the history, traditions, and perspectives of First Nations Metis, Inuit, and Native peoples for teaching in the K-10 classroom. Thank you to Mark Mueller for developing this resource

About this Research Guide

The purpose of this research guide is to help teachers and pre-service teachers locate appropriate printed and online resources for integrating indigenous perspectives into the K-10 learning level in Ontario. 

The majority of the print resources listed in this guide are located at the Tyndale ABBA Resource Centre. We also listed a number of digital resources that are available through the Tyndale electronic collections.

If you have any questions or would like to offer any suggestions for titles that you would like to see added to the  Library collection, we would like to hear from you.

(Image source: Department of Aboriginal Studies, University of Toronto)

Subject Guide

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