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Zotero: Adding Items to Zotero

Use Zotero to gather references, create bibliographies, and more!

Adding Items to Zotero


Now you can start adding references to your Zotero Library from online databases, library catalogues, Youtube, and other websites. These items will be saved in the center column of your Zotero Library.

Adding by Location Bar

The most common way of adding items to your Zotero Library is through icons that appear in your web browswer. Here are some examples.

To add items from a library catalogue, perform a search and click on an individual title. You will then see a icon in the location bar of your web browser. Click on the icon and the item's citation information will be added to your Zotero Library.

To download citations from a database such as ATLA Religion, click the title of the article you are interested in. Then, click the  icon in the location bar.

To download multiple results from a database or library catalogue, click the icon in your location bar. A window will open, from which you can make your selections. Click "OK" once you are finished and the selected items will be added to your Zotero Library.

To download a citation from Youtube, select a video and click the icon in the location bar.


Adding Items Manually

A special icon may not appear in the location bar of certain websites, in which case you can manually enter information into your Zotero Library.

1. Click the icon at the top of your Zotero Library's center column.

2. Choose the type of material you would like to add.

3. Click on any of the four fields (Info, Notes, Tag, Related) in the right column to start adding information about the title.

Adding Items by Unique Identifiers

If you have the ISBN, DOI, or Pubmed ID for an item, click on the icon at the top of your Zotero Library's center column, and enter the information.



















Getting Stuff Into Zotero