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Secondary Resources for Biblical Interpretation: Find Secondary Resources Online

A guide to online secondary resources for Biblical Interpretation.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a useful starting place to find scholarly literature available through the Tyndale Libraries as well as other libraries worldwide. By using Google's simple and familiar interface you can search resources such as electronic articles, eBooks, conference proceedings, and other resources from one simple interface. 

You can set up Google Scholar to advise you if the resources in your search results are available through the Tyndale Library collections. To do so, take the following steps:

  1. Google to Google Scholar at

  2. Click on the Settings link on the top right-hand corner of the page

  3. Click on the Library Links link on the left-hand side of the page

  4. Enter Tyndae University College & Seminary into the Library Links box. Click Find Library button

  5. Check off the box beside Tyndale University College & Seminary - Find full text @ Tyndale. Click the Save button

    You can now search for scholarly resources using Google Scholar. If the resource is available through the Tyndale Libraries you will see Find full text @ Tyndale beside the resource.

  6. Click on the link to the resource you are interested in. If the resource is available through the Tyndale Library the link will bring you to the WorldCat record

Please note: While Google Scholar is powerful and broad it is not as precise as the Tyndale Library databases:

  • Google Scholar will not let you limit search to peer-reviewed articles only
  • You cannot sort items by discipline or by date
  • Google Scholar will sometimes lead you to pay-per-view articles. If this is the case do not pay for anything. Check to see if the resource is available through the Tyndale Libraries or through an inter-library loan first.

Open Access Repositories and Journals

Open Access (OA) resources are refered to as scholarly literature that is freely available on the Internet - usually in the form of journals or books. 

The following is a list of suggested OA resources and repositories for the academic study of Biblical interpretation.

For more suggestions of OA resources, please see the Open Access Resources LibGuide.

Website Evaluation

Not all internet resources are created equal and there are no perfect websites. The following questions, however, are designed to help you choose the best internet resource for your paper.


Who is producing the website and what are their credentials?

What institution is the website affiliated with? (i.e. university, organization, research center, etc.)

Does the site contain information about the author, the institution it's affiliated with, and the background of the author and/or institution?


When was the website updated last?

Is there information on when the site was "Updated Last" anywhere on the page?

Are there any "dead" and/or outdated links located anywhere on the site?


Does the content of the website cover just one aspect of a subject? Or does it cover multiple aspects of the subject?

Does the website cover just one point-of-view/perspective or multiple points-of-view/perspectives?

Is the scope or intended coverage of the topic clearly stated on the site?


What is the essential purpose of the website (i.e. educational, resource sharing, research, etc.)?

Is there any evidence of a potential bias in the content of the site (i.e. theological, ideological, political, etc.)?

Are the authors of the website trying to sell you something?


Who is the website written for? In other words, who is the intended audience?

Is the content and/or presentation of the website appropriate for the intended audience?

Is the intended audience clearly stated on the site?


What evidence of quality control in terms of content, facts, currency, etc. is there on the website?

Does the website provide references or a list of links that you may potentially use to cross-reference?

Does the content on the site reflect current knowledge to the best of your knowledge?


Do you need to download any additional software in order to view the content on the site?

Do you have to pay for a subscription or register for the site in order to view the content?

Does the website provide any contact information for the person and/or organization that developed the content?