If you cannot find what you are looking for online click on one of the options listed below to find out more information on attaining the resources you need through Tyndale.
You may also be able to attain the item through an interlibrary loan at the local public library. Contact the reference desk at your local branch for details.
To find primary resources at the Tyndale Libraries using WorldCat take the following steps:
Use one of the following databases to search for eBooks available through the Tyndale Libraries.
For more information on eBooks and how to use and access them please refer to the eBooks LibGuide.
The following is a list of terms to use with your keyword search to find secondary resources using WorldCat.
The following is a list of suggested electronic databases that you can use to find scholarly articles related to the study of the Bible as well as the ancient world.
For a complete list of all the databases available through the Tyndale Library website please see the A - Z Guide to Databases.