Dissertations and theses can be found through a variety of physical and online collections.
The purpose of this page is to help users locate both dissertations and theses available through the Tyndale Libraries and beyond.
The Tyndale Library holds theses in print that can be searched using WorldCat. Many more are available online. The best way to search these is to conduct a search in WorldCat and narrow your results by the format: " Theses and dissertations" in the column on the left.
To find online DMin theses from Tyndale Seminary, go to TREN . On the e-doc search page, in the 'Search for Theses/Dissertations' box, choose "Tyndale Seminary" and "DMin" from the drop down menus.
Recent Tyndale theses, and research portfolios can be found in Tyndale Digital Collections here: https://digitalcollections.tyndale.ca/handle/20.500.12730/102
Digital theses from TREN can also be accessed through in WorldCat.