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Your WorldCat Account
A WorldCat account is different from a borrower's account. For information on your Tyndale Library borrower's account please visit the Your Library Account page
A WorldCat account enables you to do the following:
In order to take advantage of these features you will first need to set up a free WorldCat account. This account is available to you in any version version of even when you are searching another WorldCat library.
You can set up your WorldCat account through the Tyndale WorldCat. To do so, take the following steps:
If you would like to sign into your WorldCat account in future sessions repeat steps 1 to 3. Sign-in with the username and password that you assigned yourself on the Existing Account side of the page.
Now that we've signed up for a free WorldCat account, let's look at how to Create lists and bibliographies