Distance Education students can check out books and other materials (excluding reference, curriculum resources, and archival materials) either in-person or by mail.
Students in Canada may request materials by mail through our online request form.
Articles from Tyndale's print journal collection may be requested. Library staff will scan and send them to you for free. If the article is available through the Tyndale library's electronic collections, then the library will not ship the article, but will let you know it is available online.
The library can also scan chapters from physical books, and email them to you. Under copyright regulations, you can request one chapter, or %10 of each book (whichever is more).
Request scans through LibAnswers.
For more assistance, contact the library via email (interlibrary@tyndale.ca) or via telephone (416-226-6620 ext. 2131).
Delivery of Materials:
The Tyndale Library will mail your library books via Canada Post. The Tyndale Library will provide a return postage label and the return postage of the books for patrons within Canada.
Loan Periods:
The loan period for library materials is 3 weeks (21 days). Library resources may be renewed four times via WorldCat so long as they have not been requested by another library patron.
Course Reserves:
Course texts and materials on the reserve shelf are not available under this arrangement.
Fees for material delivery service:
An invoice will be included with the shipment of materials. Payment can be made online.
Distance students may request books and/or articles that are not a part of the Tyndale Library collection through an interlibrary loan request. The best way to do this is to find the desired item in WorldCat and click on the "Request Item through Interlibrary loan" button within the WorldCat program. If you cannot find the item listed in WorldCat you may enter all of the required information using this form: http://www.tyndale.ca/library/loan
Distance Education students should expect to wait at least three weeks for their interlibrary loan documents to arrive in the mail.
Other option: It may be faster and more convenient to request an interlibrary loan through your local public library.
Borrowing regulations:
Fees for Interlibrary Loans:
An invoice will be included with the shipment of materials. Payment is required with the return of materials.