The Tyndale Library provides distance education students with access to the following resources and e-resources:. Make sure your sign in to first. This authenticates you when you try to access eBooks and ejournal article content that you find in WorldCat or other online databases.
WorldCat Online Catalog:
The Tyndale WorldCat online catalog will allow you to search the Tyndale Library and surrounding library collections for books, journals, multimedia, electronic resources and more.
For more information on how to use the Tyndale WorldCat visit the WorldCat: How to use it research guide.
Digital Collections:
The Tyndale Library provides distance education students with a wide variety of online collections such as eBooks, eJournals, digital collections and more. To learn more about the digital collections and how to search them visit the Guides & Tutorials page.
Remote Access to electronic books:
The Tyndale Library provides access to a wide range of electronic book (eBook) collections. These resources can be accessed on a 24-7 basis on any computer with an internet connection. The best part of this collection is that you do not have to worry about returning the items to the library.
To learn more about the electronic book collections please visit the eBooks page.
Remote Access to electronic articles & databases:
The Tyndale Library provides access to a wide range of subject specific articles databases and library indexes. The databases are arranged alphebetically and by subject. See the databases list to find out how to choose the best database for your research.
To learn more about the electronic articles and databases please visit the Articles & Databases page.
Remote Access to electronic journals:
The Tyndale Library provides access to thousands of electronic versions of scholarly and trade journals (eJournals) that it subscribes to annually. See the journals sub-page to find out how to search the collection.
To learn more about the electronic journal collections please visit the eJournals page.
Remote Access to electronic multimedia resources:
The Tyndale Library provides access to electronic multimedia databases that contain digital images, maps, video, timelines and more.
To learn more about the electronic multimedia collections please visit the Multimedia page.