Library Access: Off-campus
There are two ways to search and access the e-collections at the Tyndale Library
- WorldCat: Anyone can search both the print and electronic resources available through the Library using the Tyndale WorldCat. No log-in is required to search the catalogue.
If you would like to request a library hold on a resource using WorldCat you will need to sign-in to your WorldCat Account.
Before you try to connect to electronic resources listed in WorldCat you should have recently signed in to OR using your MyTyndale username and password
For information on how to obtain print resources from the Tyndale libraries, please see the Request Library Resources page.
For information on how to use the WorldCat catalog, please see the WorldCat: How to use it research guide.
- Databases, eBooks, and other electronic resources: Tyndale uses OpenAthens to authenticate students so they can access databases of electronic content.To access the electronic databases, eBooks, and other online resources available through the Tyndale Library, you must first sign in to with your Tyndale credentials. OpenAthens then recognizes you as an authorized Tyndale user who can access electronic resources when you try to.
If you do not know your password or you have forgotten, you can reset your password on the MyTyndale website at
If you are still encountering problems with your MyTyndale username and password please contact Tyndale IT Services via email at or via telephone at 416-226-6620 (ext. 4357)