Most of the print items on this page can be found in the library reference collection. They can't be signed out so there should be copies in the library at all times. These books can be scanned and photocopied. Library staff are happy to scan sections of these reference books. Scanning requests can be submitted here.
The commentaries in the Reference collection are for use in the Library. There are often duplicate copies in the stacks that can be borrowed. Note that commentaries in the stacks are shelved with the individual books of the Bible while those in Reference are shelved with their series. As a result they have different call numbers.
Commentaries below are categorized according to academic level: Technical, Expository, and Devotional.
Technical works assume a knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, and are often written from a more critical, non-evangelical perspective.
Expository commentaries are ideal for exegesis and preaching.
Devotional works are non-academic and useful for Bible studies.
For your essays, you will generally want to avoid using Devotional commentaries. Make use of Technical commentaries and some of the more in-depth and technical Expository commentaries.
The following are are some of the commentary series that are either entirely or partially available online through the library. Search WorldCat for additional titles.