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Ontario K-10 Curriculum Resources: Modern Languages

A guide to Ontario K-10 curriculum resource materials available through and beyond the Tyndale library. Thank you to our former Education Librarian Mark Mueller who created and designed this resource!

What's in this section

The "Modern Languages" section provides research tips, library resources, and lesson planning ideas relevant to teaching languages in Ontario. Use the drop-down menu or one of the links below to navigate through the pages of this section.

  • Library Resources - How to use the library catalog; browsing the Tyndale collections; suggested journals; interlibrary loans, summaries of the overall and specific expections in the Ontario curriculum

  • Indigenous Perspectives - Printed and electronic resources for weaving indigenous perspectives into the classroom (Coming Soon)

  • Online Resources - Electronic resources and free online resources for lesson planning

  • iPad Apps for the Classroom - iPad apps that you can use to teach Modern Languages in the Ontario classroom

  • Android Apps for the ClassroomAndroid apps that you can use to teach Modern Languages in the Ontario classroom

  • Professional Organizations - Links to regional, national and international professional organizations for language teachers

Subject Guide