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Ontario K-10 Curriculum Resources: Library Resources

A guide to Ontario K-10 curriculum resource materials available through and beyond the Tyndale library. Thank you to our former Education Librarian Mark Mueller who created and designed this resource!

The Arts

The following page is designed to introduce users to curricular resources available through and beyond the Tyndale Libraries for the teaching of the Arts in Ontario. To retrieve the most relevant resources we suggest you build your search strategy according to the strands and expectations in the Ontario curriculum. Click on one of the links to retrieve the official Ontario Curriculum.

Ontario Elementary Curriculum: The Arts (Grades 1 to 8)

Ontario Secondary Curriculum: The Arts (Grades 9 to 12)

For a summary of the overall and specific expectations in the Ontario curriculum for the Arts click on one of the documents below.

Find electronic resources

Finding Resources for the Arts at the Library

If you want to locate the items through a keyword search using the Tyndale WorldCat go to the library homepage and click on the WorldCat tab:

If you are looking for resources for teaching The Arts in Ontario try one of the following searches: 

Dance: movement / dance activit* / choreography

Drama: plays / drama activit* / theater

Music: orchestra / instruments / song*

Visual Arts: paint* / draw* / sculptur*

After you click the Search with WorldCat tab you can limit your results by one of the following:







Click on one of the links on the left-hand side of the page to access the Ontario curriculum documents.

The links to the PDF documents contain outlines of the overall and specific expectations in the Ontario curriculum to help you build a research strategy. 

Browsing Tips

Sometimes users come across valuable resources and materials simply by physically browsing the library collections. If you choose to physically browse the Education Library collections learn the Library of Congress call number ranges for your topic:

Visual Arts: N - NC

Music: M - MT

Dance: GV

Drama: PN - PR

Professional Teaching Materials: LB

Textbooks: LT

Suggested Arts Education Journals

Subject Guide

Interlibrary Loans

If the library does not have a book you need, we have services available to help you get it.